HTVR PC Streamer.exe - v1.2.3.1
Direct download link: HTVR PC Streamer.exe
Google Drive link: HTVR PC Streamer.exe
This version has all the streamer files packaged into a single executable for convenience.
Note that this type of packaged file can trigger false positives in some virus detection software.
HTVR PC - v1.2.3.1
Direct download link: HTVR PC
Google Drive link: HTVR PC
This version is the full unpackaged program. When extracted, it will create a folder called “HTVR PC Streamer.
Open the folder and double-click the file named “HTVR PC Streamer.exe” to start streaming.
Stream Helper.exe - v1.2.0.0
Direct download link: Stream Helper.exe
Google Drive link: Stream Helper.exe
Github link:
This is a helper utility which simplifies the process of creating streams with VLC Media Player on Windows.
Screen Capture Recorder - v0.12.10
Google Drive link: Screen Capture Recorder - v0.12.10
Github link:
Required for streaming the Windows desktop with VLC Media Player and Stream Helper.
Home Theater VR - v1.5.4.0
Direct download link: HomeTheaterVR.apk
If you have a problem downloading from the Google Play Store, you can download the apk to install manually.
Home Theater VR - v1.5.3.2
Direct download link: HomeTheaterVR.apk
This is the last version that supports Android API levels 19-23.
Home Theater VR - v1.5.2.1
Direct download link: HomeTheaterVR.apk
This is the last version prior to that and allows external audio to play from another app in the background. This was changed in version to prevent crashes on Android 12+, but has been restored in version